Kairana Village
Kairana tehsil muzaffarnagar list of all towns and villages in kairana tehsil of muzaffarnagar district uttar pradesh. List of all villages and towns in kairana tehsil of muzaffarnagar district uttar pradesh. Pin On Artists In kairana the population of literates was 21 539 which constituted 29 5 of the total population. Kairana village . Male population is 38 849 and female population is 34 197. The map is showing major roads local train route hotels hospitals schools colleges religious places and important. As per census 2011 there are 4 towns and 175 villages within kairana tehsil. Kairana is a tehsil block cd in the muzaffarnagar district of uttar pradesh. Map of kairana village in kairana tehsil muzaffarnagar uttar pradesh. Home uttar pradesh muzaffarnagar kairana. Total area of kairana is 655 km including 633 59 km rural area and 21 65 km urban area. Kairana is a historical city and a municipal board in muzaffarnagar district in the indian state of uttar prad...